Saturday, September 24, 2011

Beauty Queens

Hi guys, so this is a book I haven't talked about yet that I wanted to. Kinda like Grassroots, but it's a book.

The first thing you need to know about this book is that it has an amazing cover.

You SEE that awesome?? That's a bullet chain of LIPSTICK, people. Yeah.

This book, simply explained, is pretty much Lord of the Flies with teenage, image-obsessed girls. It starts with a plane crash of Miss Teen Dream (a beauty contest) contestants. People die. There are surviviors. And commercial breaks. 


It's one of those books where you're not sure if it's actually happening IRL. You know? Have you read that book about an evil genius who wants to be your class president or something, where you have no idea if he's kidding or not about things? It's kind of like that. It's set some time in the future, and there's this major Corporation that does everything, and pretty much sets everyone's dreams and view of what's wanted and whatever. But like, the commercial breaks (I'm not lying about those, they have commercial breaks every so often.) are kind of odd. They, like, say things that if they were said on TV NOW wouldn't work or be totally ironic. Like, the mom saying things like, "I need you to look good or else I wouldn't be able to parade you in front of my neighbors." Except more degrading than that? I don't have the book anymore, sorry. Can't look it up. Or stuff about how this product, made to take off lady mustaches, also can be used to like, clean your bathroom or something. Stuff you don't really say to your customers. It's odd. But awesome.

It's really hilarious. Ally's favorite girl was Tiana, Miss.... actually I forgot her state. I really reallly really loved Taylor, Miss Texas, because she was SO unbelievable. Everything she did or said wasn't anything anyone would ever do or say, sorry about this sentence. And then she goes crazy.... sorry not giving that away.

It's also really awesome how they continued to, kind of, compete, there. Like, Shanti hated Nicole on principal because they were both not white, and the corporation would not let an Indian AND an African-American in the finals. (Tiana: I thought you said The Corporation wasn't racist? Both: Bitch, please.) And Taylor keeps practicing and getting everyone to practice after the crash.

It's a really good book. I hope you read it. Actually, I hope, that when you read it, you enjoy it. Because you're going to read it. It's so good, seriously. Really awesome.

And I leave you with (puppies humping things, Ally?) a picture that I found by... well I can't tell you where I found it because it's Ally Week and it's one of the banned subjects but I found it and I think it represents my life/future well as well:

Goals seminar, in Lindsey's words, was "shit." I don't totally agree, but it did make me nervous. In a have-you-seen-this-venn-diagram,-i'm-screwed,-yo,-what-do-i-want-to-do-with-my-life-???? way.


  1. I'ts Tiara, btw. :) But this pretty much sums up the awesomeness. READ.

  2. seriously it's so true WHAT ARE YOU DOING on my blog.
