Monday, November 15, 2010


So, I know that I've shown you variations of this story about 3 times already, but I swear, this time is for real. This is the final, finished, beautiful version of the story I told Ally during Twelfth Night rehearsal one day. I really love the plot. It's pretty awesome. Please keep in mind, "Ally" is not pronounced like, Ally, it's pronounced "Al... lye." You know? Like how countries have allys? Just so you know. ENJOY!!! There are three parts, and it's kind of long (like 700 words? not that bad), but it's worth it! The ending is the best part!

The Crazy Fairy (Tale)

Fictional Narrative With Dialogue- English Portfolio

Once upon a time there were two red-headed princesses. Where ever they went people thougth they were sisters- which was reasonable, because they were!

One day they came across a Crazy Fairy in the woods.

“Wow, you guys look like sisters!” She said to them.

“That’s reasonable, because we are,” the taller sister said. “And we’ve never heard that before,” she added sarcastically.

“Okay,” the Crazy Fairy said. “Where are you going?”

“Um,” said the shorter sister. “Could you, before you start stalking us, like, tell us your name?”

“Oh, right, of course,” said the Crazy Fairy. “I’m your friend, Adriana.”

“How do you know you’re our friend?”

“I just am! I’m your friend, Adriana!”

“You just said that.” The taller princess said.

“Yeah, whatever. So where are you going?”

“We don’t really know yet, we were just roaming in the woods for no reason,” said the shorter princess. “Would you like to come with us?”

“Better than that, I have something to show you.”

And the Crazy Fairy, hereafter referred to as Adri, took both the red-headed princesses by the hands and broke into a run.


“Where are we?” said the taller princess, whose name was Olive.

“Yes, where in the world did you take us, Adriana?” asked the shorter sister, whose name was Ally, as in “associate,” or “person on your side.”

“I’ve told you a million times in the last five minutes already to call me Adri.” Adri said.

“Yes, but that’s kinda hard to do after you INTRODUCED YOURSELF AS ADRIANA. Because now I still think your name is Adriana.”

“Yes, that’s just what my name is. That’s not what I want people to call me. Call me Adri.”

“Olive! Adri! It doesn’t matter what you’re called. I have two important questions for you. One- Adri, where are we? Two- Adri, why are the leaves PURPLE?” Ally wanted to know.

That was a good question. The three girls stopped for a second and looked around at the woods surrounding them. Each tree had purple leaves, and the bark was a dark shade of green normally reserved for normal tree’s leaves.

Adri shrugged. “They must’ve redecorated,” she said, turning to the tallest tree. “And they’ve changed their door too. It’s up there.”

“You mean, we have to climb up that tree?” said Ally and Olive, who were both kind of princesses like that.

“No, of course not! Seriously? We’re flying!” Adri sounded surprised they didn’t know that. “there’s this wind current elevator thing that should be places about….” She took a step back. “…here.” Suddenly, she was gone- shot up into the sky.

The two sisters hesitated, then stepped forward onto the patch of grass previously occupied by Adri, the Crazy Fairy.


The wind carried Adri, Ally, and Olive up to the Fairy Kingdom. There, everything was purple and dark green, except for the people. When they got to the Fairy Kingdom, Ally and Olive were so impressed that they couldn’t talk for five minutes, and then couldn’t stop laughing because of how surprised they were for ten. Fifteen minutes into their visit, however, a giant purple and green dragon appeared before them! Before the dragon could even introduce himself as Viktor/Malama, another Crazy Fairy popped out of nowhere and slew the dragon with his Fairy Powers. Sir Andrew Agueface then turned to Adri, Ally, and Olive and bowed.

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, young ladies! I am Sir Andrew Agueface.”


“What!?” said Ally. “You mean, we could’ve been FRIENDS with that dragon?”

“I’ve always wanted a dragon for a friend, GOD Sir Andrew Aguecheek,” said Olive, who rationalized that since Adri had yelled at him, she could too.

“It’s Agueface…” said Andrew dejectedly.

“Andrew, actually, it is “cheek.” How is it even POSSIBLE to forget your own NAME?” Said Adri, though she didn’t sound that surprised that Andrew had done it.

The three girls turned on their heels and, leaving the confused, miserable, dragon-murdering man behind them, walked off to explore the rest of the Fairy Kingdom.


Opinions? I'm using this for my portfolio this year, so anyone wanna help edit? Comment suggestions and responses and problems.


  1. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

    But I'm sad I didn't get to be a princess.

  2. MAJOR LIKE! Adri, you're a friggin fairy! What more could you want?
