Monday, June 7, 2010


5-1=4. Good thing, right? But where does that “take away one” go anyway?

I know where it goes. And unlike what math teachers might tell you, all the negatives don’t join up to have a nice little negative party. No, they are all alone.

Until, apparently, the end of the year.

I will sitting alone every other day at lunch. Every other day. Alone.

Sometimes I hate my friends.

No offense. Well kinda offense. Hey, aren’t we friends, you guys??? How about we take turns sitting alone? Rotate out? Or maybe even sit 3 and 2?
Is that too… complicated for you? Oh I’m sorry I don’t really care.

Sure you don’t care, Olivia, you just keep telling yourself that.

Why am I the one cut out?

I HATE THIS. It redefines the cracks. The lines.

The lines suck. And the worst thing is, I know some of these people might normally want to do something about it, but don’t want to be seen doing nice things in front of their “friends/” influence-ers because it’s bad for a girl’s reputation to help someone with glasses. Even if they have been your friend for a few years now. Oh no, it doesn’t matter.

Oh, yeah, sure, I’m still friends with all of you. I still like you and everything. Sure I do.

But I really hate four to a table.

And I REALLY hate the lines.

OKAY so... this is my portfolio piece TWENTY! OOOHHHH. A personal vignette. Like? Dislike? Why? Why not? Changes? Other?


  1. THAT EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME AT LUNCH!!!!!!.....ish. i'll have to tell you about it

  2. I'm commenting on your previous posts :) This happened to me too. But like, I seceded on my own accord. I don't know. I just had to prove to myself that I didn't need other people all the time to feel better.
