Sunday, July 18, 2010


So....... Lady Gaga......

People have VERY strong views of her. I, for one, respect her. Look at how.... interesting she is! It takes a ton of guts to be that awesome. I mean, seriously. Her music isn't outright obscene, like some others COUGH COUGH DOLLAR SIGN COUGH YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN COUGH and if it is it's cleverly obscene which makes it all better. I think she's pretty cool.

And I had heard SO much about her new video for Alejandro that I had to see it and I just kept FORGETTING TO (another video like this is cant be tamed, miley cyrus, for different reasons, and i haven't gotten around to seeing that one yet still, and I dont know if i will, and I doubt it will be nearly as interesting.) but I finally was on YouTube and I saw Alejandro. It was pretty cool. You should see it too. Her videos are just hilarious. Telephone (yeah, the 11 minute long one, not the normal one) was so funny, she and Beyonce walk into a bar (haha, that's a joke, Lady Gaga and beyonce walk into a bar...) and they kill ALL THE MEN INSIDE and then the ladys all dance in the center. I think thats what happens I don't really remember.

I don't get it. I dont' get the video. What does the video have to do with the song, really. And WHO is that GUY that keeps showing up? CONFUSSEDDDD. But it was very interesting to watch. She definitely has guts.

What is everyone's thoughts on Alejandro and her in general?

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