Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Art. Ha. That's FUNNY. I feel bad for myself.

I realized that I no longer have any talent with drawing and painting, so obviously I did as much of it as I could in as little time as possible. Probably not the best way to learn, but yeah. I'm so dissapointed. It's like, doodles. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Sorry. I'm proud of one or two of them, though. Okay, here we are.

The top one is watercolor, and the one on the side is colored pencil.

At this point, I think I had gotten bored. The dreaded doodle.

 The red guy is kinda cool, though. He's this other kind of water color paint, like, gauche or something. The two people are colored pencil, and the last girl is watercolor. I wanted to see if I could get skin tone with just yellow and red. Success? Ehh.
 I kind of like this one, actually. She reminds me of Sadie in Across the Universe (good movie). It's just sharpie. Or maybe calligraphy pen. I don't remember. Some sort of ink.

This is the one I'm proud of! It's an actual person! You see, I was multitasking, trying to teach myself how to draw again and also stay entertained, so I was watching Alex Day videos. He's this really funny person on youtube who lives in London, I think, somewhere in the UK, and is seriously hilarious. He did the Harry Potter is Gay video that I posted to buzz that I watch maybe 2 times a day, minimum. So I was drawing him. It doesn't actually really look like him at any given moment, because he has the hair from like a few years ago and you know, face from now and nose from who knows and whatever. It doesn't actually look like him at all, actually. But that's okay. It was fun. The first one is in pencil, and the second one is in ink. I traced it over THE LAPTOP SCREEN MONITOR  I'm so bad. Well, it's about the same size and shape as one of those light box things. Hahaha. Anyway.

I did these drawing a long time ago, and have been meaning to post them here. But I haven't. I remembered now, finally.

1 comment:

  1. Say, are you aware of the awesomeness that is Vi Hart? I think she calls herself a "mathemusician". She has an awesome way of blending math and doodling, or math and music, or math and toy snakes or silly bands or whatever. I think you'd enjoy following her blog (make sure to check out the "Math Doodling" section if you haven't seen it before!)

