Friday, March 4, 2011


Yeah I saw it. It was awesome. It was really really interesting. I think I enjoy movies like that, like Boy A and The Social Network, where you can't just enjoy the movie you have to really think while you're watching. It's so much fun. It was CONFUSUNG, though! I loved it! It was like... so can they die in the fourth level, and are they real , and did he die, and what was that scene in the end about, anyway, and that whole limbo thing, explain? Pure fun, I'm telling you. Pure enjoyment. You should see it so we can hypothesize together. By the way, I can't watch a movie without wikipedia, and I know know that the guy who played Lucentio/ Cameron in 10 Things I Hate About You (I think I mentioned how dorky and adorable he was in my last post) was in it. I knew I recognized him the whole movie and I HAD to check.

The end. The end was crazy. Answer me now, was it about to tip? Was it about to tip? Wobbling. But did it fall down or pick itself up again? Ah good movie.


  1. I KNOW!! I was so annoyed that you never knew whether he was in reality or not. You can get stuck in the 3rd level if you're injured...the 4th level is LIMBO. LIMBO is where you're stuck in your own subconscious. Like he was in LIMBO with his wife for a long time and they built their whole very own town. You age in LIMBO but you can get really old there and still be young in real life because the deeper you go (LIMBO is the deepest) the longer a minute is. So in LIMBO a minute is equivalent to a long time. That's why when he "came back out" (if he ever did, we don't know if it was reality) he was still youngish.

  2. Livvy you should watch some Alfred Hitchcock movies with me. You have to think about them while you're watching, otherwise you have no idea what's going on.
