Friday, May 13, 2011

Listen to Good Music; It Makes you Ramble About Happy Things. I love semicolons.

The best part is the one "totally awesome" in the beginning, by one of the Darren Criss Fan Girls.

I would be there. In a heartbeat. Just saying.

Anyway. The other best part, is the "I'm assuming you're meaning, you know, in chess, right? Because that only works if you're on the black side." The Harry Freaking Potter from Starkid totally came out there for me.

It's also really really really really really really really amazing and impressive how he can talk about the sexuality of his character (and how it's different than his) and talk about kissing Chris (Kurt) and all the feeling of it for him and his character and Chris's character and all of that. It definitely gained him lots of respect. From me. I always thought it was kind of interesting how he actually had to COME OUT as straight on the show.

And the jokes made me sure that he was still Harry Freaking Potter, which I wasn't totally sure of, and yeah. I'm happy now.

Plus I'm almost caught up on all of the America's Next Top Models, and yeah. The finale is like, soon.


I've listened to some awesome music recently! If you're interested, go to Jessie's blog and look up the albums, or watch these videos:
Vampire Weekend- Oxford Comma (I actually haven't watched this video yet, so I don't know if it's good. The song's great.)

Camille- Au Port (Deal with the non-Englishness of it, please, I did. And I care about lyrics.)

Vampire Weekend- I Stand Corrected (AMAZING. To use the Darren Criss Invented By Lindsey Term, eargasm. Do you hear that background with the foreground with the vocals? Gorgeous.)

Belle and Sebastian- Dress Up In You (I've talked about this song a lot, I believe it introduced me to indie pop. So it was pretty important. This is a live version, but the nice thing about real bands is that this sounds the same.)

Freelance Whales- Broken Horse (Did I tell you about my musical circle. No? Well, okay: So I was listening to, like, Belle and Sebastian, and then Starship came out and obviously I didn't listen to anything else for the following week. Then I got back to just Starkid in general, and Darren Criss, and older music from Darren Criss, and I Still Think, and Little White Lie, and Chuck Criss, his brother, who's in FREELANCE WHALES (see where this is going?) and then I was back at indie pop. Happily. I like this song. The kind of quietness of it.)

Joanna Newson- The Sprout and the Bean (I'm really confused about this one. I don't know whether or not I enjoy the voice or not. It grows on you. But. I don't know. In Peach Plum Pear it's insane. On Wikipedia (I'm addicted to stalking people, I swear, it's true.) it says that she doesn't like her voice being compared to a child's but I think that is the closest comparison.)

Camille again- Ta Douleur (I still don't understand french, deadgoddammit. But this is seriously interesting. It's pretty impressive. Only three people. Like, beatboxing. But like, not. Like I said, interesting.)

And that's actually been my view on music recently. Interesting. I want something that kind of like, surprises me. Like in fashion, you know, what was once ridiculous actually kind of grows on you and gets better. That's the great thing about Indie. It's not what you really expect, and it's still such a BROAD catergory.

Anyway. Listen to some of the songs, probably especially the I Stand Corrected and the first Camille one, but JESSIE you listen to the Freelance Whales one. Enjoy.

Also, Grassroots schedule came out. I'm not missing Thousands of One, but I am missing Locos Por Juana.

Because of all of my new experience in music, I think I'll appreciate it much more this year, musically. Looking forward to that. Have you noticed that I often just leave the subject out of my sentences? It's kind of odd. I do it a lot. Just forget the I. AH! I did it again! Right there, while talking about it! That's so embarrassing, god. Wow.

Again. Listen. Enjoy (optional.) But yeah. Also, don't call me out on my oddness and how I manage to talk about Glee, Darren Criss, Starkid, Gays, Stalking, Indie Pop, and Grassroots all in the same post and not get into arguements with myself. One of the things that is great about people is that we are more than one thing. I like indie pop and hippie dance festivals YAY. I also like Glee, and appreciate the appearance voice of Darren Criss, Joe Walker, and Brian Rosenthal. It's me. Very me, actually, to do both. I do that all of the time. I have an issue with choosing.

Wow, a lot of videos today. I don't think I've ever really put videos up. And a lot of words. READ. WATCH. Or not, whatever. Remember that poem? That I wrote? It's not about the staring? It's in the sidebar. This isn't for you, I think, no worries.


  1. Good music :)
    I'm so excited for grass roots!
    And who's left in America's next top model? I missed the newest episode :(

  2. Still can't over how you deffered before you heard.
