Monday, May 16, 2011

New Furniture

Well, relatively new. I got it recently, like last week, but I haven't actually told anyone seriously. These are some pictures of it. Is it not gorgeous?

Yes, those are pictures of my bedrooms. Creepers, rejoice.
I have so many of those, don't I? Haha.

I'm enjoying sleeping on a bed that doesn't creak and bend whenever you sit on it. It's quite nice. And as long as I keep that blind down so the freaking sun doesn't wake me up in the morning, I'm good. It's pretty cool. Other than the deep drawers, they're like a foot deep! (Double). Can you imagine?! It's so annoying! But that and the height of the dresser (it's so high! the problem is not that I am short, obviously, the problem is that it's like, three inches (gasp) taller than my other one.) there aren't any problems. But my old set was broken. Completely. So I'm happy. Completely.

Oh my god, my room is so clean. Not like it is now. It's been like a week. 

Whatever. Deal.

Also, I'm feeling kind of awkward with my 34 followers. Hi, people. Do you really read it? Hi. Hello. Welcome to my blog. I just noticed you guys there, seriously. Welcome. Hi again.


  1. Hey, you told me about it :) And yes it looks amazing...thank god you got rid of the creeky bed. hehe

  2. A direct quote from Andrew: "You have a nice bed."

    ICaughtOntoJessiesNotLettingGoOfYourDefferedednessbeforeyouhead. And yeah, defferededness is now a word. What I say is law.
