Monday, May 2, 2011

You always wanted one...

(the title is a reference to possibly the best diss I've ever made in my life. EVER.)

If you haven't seen Starship yet you are officially behind, because my world was just blown apart. Oh my deadgod, Joey Richter can SING now and god he's soooo hot and Joe Walker wears too much clothing but whatever. Robots. Bugs. PUPPETS.

Ahhhhh life=complete. Totally.

It wasn't really a total, like, jokey, musical. Kind of disappointed in that, but it was SO GOOD. It was weird how everyone knew their lines an they weren't just improvising. But oh my god, it was insane.

Damn that G.L.E.E! They're always making twisted abominations of everything,
(It's funny because one of the writers, you may have heard me talk about him before, Darren Criss, is ON Glee.)

This emotion [love] was downloaded from the interweb and could have viruses, are you sure you want to open it?


They have a saying where I come from too. God save the queen. Lucky for me, god is dead.

(you see, science killed him.)

(the reason I'm posting this on buzz and blogger is because I want everyone to see this musical. Now.)

I just wish that Lauren and Joe Walker (and Moses, actually) had bigger parts. Also, Bonnie (Hermione) and Devin (Cho) and BRIAN ROSENTHAL (Quirell) weren't in it and it was depressing, but there was some new people too. And people from MAMD and Little White Lie that I didn't recognize at first. For instance, Megagirl was one of Lauren's hot girls in Little White Lie and February was Tiff in MAMD.

Maybe a longer debrief on Starship and events relating to the title later, but now I'm too tired to talk about things like that and my hippie skirt YES and how freaking amazing Darren Criss is even when not onstage. Well I'm never too tired to talk about how perfect Starkid is, but I'll go to sleep anyway. See you tomorrow.

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