Sunday, August 21, 2011

my gmail status says it all

By the way, for the lazy people, this is my gmail status:
the world is mine... (i don't know anything) somebody needs to donate a large fortune to me so my music obsession can be funded.

This is pretty much my life. I need money to buy more CDs. You see, I enjoy listening to this whole page of music:

Click it.

But the problem is, it doesn't play on iPods. Which is where I listen to music. After awhile, I like actually having it on my iPod so I don't have to do it on the computer.

I would just download it off of YouTube, but I feel bad about that, because I love Alex Day and have listened to all of his YouTube videos and think he's hilarious and want him to be able to continue to afford the "flat" he shares with Charlie. So I don't want to steal music from him, is my point. Plus, Bo Burnham told me that you would get AIDS if you stole music. It's proven. (no it's not.)

But I don't have any money to buy 2-5 albums with.

So someone just has to buy them for me.

This isn't gonna happen, though, I've accepted that.

Which is why someone just needs to suddenly realize that they don't need money and give it to me!  Right?


I don't want this "end-with-a-totally-unrelated-topic" thing to become a thing, but:

On a totally unrelated note, Pottermore needs to get a better server. Almost every time I've been on it, just to check on it and all, it's crashed. Just saying. That's kinda pathetic. What's gonna happen when the whole world tries to get on in October?

Yeah. That, probably.

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