Thursday, August 18, 2011

some things that excited me, probably not you, but that's okay

I had an excellent day.

Oh hi, right, yeah, I'm Olivia, you might have forgotten, I haven't said anything in forever.

Anyway. Today was awesome.
I think this is gonna be really hard for you all to read, sorry. I'm going back and putting some more enters so that it's a little easier. It's long. I HAVEN'T SAID ANYTHING HERE FOR AWHILE, THOUGH, SO READ IT.

I woke up at 9 freaking 30 (actually, this was a horrible start to my day) because I had to CLEAN MY ROOM but it gets better from here because I finished a book then, which was actually a bad book, but see, it was a good thing, because I finished it, and I didn't have to read it anymore.

This is really not sounding like a good day, god. It gets better, promise.

Okay, then I made a quesadilla with corn in it, and it was awesome. Did you know that corn is really good in quesadillas when you make them with chicken and salsa and cheese as well, and cook them with some oil on the bottom? Well, it's true.

Then I watched a little Alex Day, because I'm trying to watch every single one of his videos.

Can you HEAR the English accent in my voice? I swear, between him, and Kate Nash, and Lily Allen, and Harry Potter, and all these other English accents in my life (plus Damien from the Glee Project, Oliver from Project Runway, and Anya from Project Runway, Irish, English-Chinese and Trinidad-and-Tobagan, respectively.) I'm just feeling so odd when I hear other voices. Like, you know, American. Which is where I live. But now I hear English in my head sometimes.

Weird, I know. Anyway.

After that I decided to go to the Community Center and I sat there and listened to my OH MY GOD NEW MUSIC REMEMBER GEORGE WATSKY? It was the first time that Bandcamp actually worked for me.

If you don't know what Bandcamp is, it's a music site, sorta, where artists put their songs and either sell them or give them for free. For example, AVPM/AVPS was "free," but apparently if too many people try and get the music, if the product is too popular, you have to give a dollar to Bandcamp, which is kind of stupid, really. So I always had to drag  my parent's credit card into it and, you know, I have the audacity to complain about having spent 2 dollars on 2 of the most hilarious albums on Earth.... life sucks, you know it.

But TODAY, I got two albums off Bandcamp, both George Watsky, one called "A New Kind of Sexy," which is more recent, and another called "Guilty Pleasures," which is older, and they were both ACTUALLY free! You will not believe how freaking happy that made me! Honestly, I was in a good mood for the rest of the day.

So yeah, I went up to the Community Center, listened to some Watsky (he don't need a goddamn emcee name) and simultaneously (wow, audacity, simultaneously, I'm so smart, no? It would be better if I could spell either of them right the first time.) made another piece of art for my wall (I'll have to take a picture of it, and my HP chart, and my Dr. Who picture). It's not really art, just words. The words to a poem by George Watsky, actually. Can you tell I like him? Yeah. I've told you about this poem, it's not a rap, like the songs on the CDs, it's an actual poem, and it's called Drunk Text Message to God, and I've succeeded in memorizing it, so I wrote it from memory. SKILL. Haha. The writing is really small so it all fits on half a page and from a distance looks sort of odd-gray, which'll be nice on my wall.

After that we went to help at the UU Recycling sale. Its awesome, ya'll should go, because I'm southern. Um. But. It's really good, and I love looking for clothes in those piles. We didn't actually have to help, which just added to my fun, so I spent the time looking through the clothing and you know what I FOUND????? A BRIGHT HOT PINK DRESS THAT FITS ME PERFECTLY DID I MENTION IT'S BRIGHT PINK? Now I don't normally wear pink, but that's okay, because this dress was awesome and I loved it, plus, because the Recycling Sale rocks, it was 4 dollars. I'm planning on going back soon and buying more clothes (if you don't remember, this was wear I got that (in)famous leather jacket and that pink skirt, and something else I think too, I don't remember. Oh yeah, the SMILEY TIE) and I'm also gonna buy some fabric, which was for  some reason labeled "tablecloths." People are stupid, no?

Oh, wait, but the day didn't end with an amazing pink dress. We went to the commons and saw the Gunpoets perform. I had seen them at Grassroots, which you know I still haven't and probably never will talk about, and I LOVED them and wanted their CD ever since and kinda regretted not getting it and all, and it was an AWESOME show and yeah. I bought the CD. Actually, I guilted my dad into buying it for me. Because I'm cheap, still. Maybe I'll use the money I didn't spend on this CD on TFIOS. Interesting idea. BUT THE POINT IS, I HAVE THE CD AND YEAH. ALSO, AS SOON AS I HAD THE CD IN MY HAND THEY STARTED PLAYING ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL, PART  TWO REMIXED this is hard to read and it was all just perfect.

Then I went to Viva and ate Enchiladas. Then I came home and watched Project Runway, and the person I wanted to lose out got out. Then/Now I'm writing on my blog.

Yeah, today rocked.

Tomorrow is play practice again, yay! We're almost done with blocking the whole thing. Anna, don't worry, you'll catch up.

On a side note, I've gone from "not swearing enough" to "swearing too often" in a very short period of time. In my head, at least. I always manage to keep it in. But still. In my mind, it's just a word, right? And it is. Desensitized and all that. But see, I'm sure my parents wouldn't see it like that. Or my siblings. So yeah. I'm gonna blame it on Alex Day. And maybe the fact that I watched my second R Rated movie (god, I'm SO PATHETIC) illegally, and I liked it a lot because Natalie Portman was in it and she's pretty cool. No Strings Attached. This is off topic.
I just casually say swear words in my head, and then, like, am about to say what I just thought, and realize that I can't actually do that. Still trying. Trying right now to keep this blog CLEAN. Alex (True), squeaky.

You should just disregard that last paragraph, actually, because I'm going to do a review of My Immortal soon! I've talked about it before, but I can again, yeah? Ah, English. Accent. Sorry.

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