Monday, December 13, 2010

Writing Without Effort

This is for my English portfolio. I've been meaning to post it forever and since I'm too busy to actually write something I decided to post it now. Hopefully, when my dad gets back with his phone (have I mentioned how that's the ONLY CAMERA in the house?!?) I can post some pictures of the gingerbread house I made at my church last Sunday! But until then.... you can have some copy and pasted rants. I'm pretty behind on posting some of them, actually. I wrote another on the bus last Friday and meant to put it up.... again, too busy. I can't even type something over. So sad. This project might not even be worth it. JUST KIDDING. Enjoy.

 Enhanced Journal Entry: English Portfolio

I don’t know what to write about- you know that in Mr. Pritz’s class last year, that counted? You could go on and on about how what we were supposed to write about meant nothing to you, that you had nothing to say, you didn’t understand- and you got credit for it. That’s what I’m doing now. Do I get credit here? Yeah, this counts.

I’m writing, aren’t I? Putting ideas on paper?

People have lists in their notebooks, people have squeezed out stories about their weekends. That is not acceptable. For me, I mean. I wish I could write a story, but really, a story isn’t something you can just write. No, wait, that’s wrong. A story is something you have to just write. You cant think for a long time about a good story. The words have to flow out of you without thinking. A story needs to have feeling.

Sometimes, when you’re writing, you forget where you are and you stop caring that your hands hurt form scrunching them around a pencil and pressing hard on the paper. Sometimes, when you’re writing, you stop listening to the noise around you and you only hear the words whispering around in your head and in front of your eyes. Sometimes, when you’re writing, you realize that Mr. Pritz was completely right when he said that when you think you don’t know what to write about, it comes out anyway.


  1. That's exactly how I feel in English. I was going to write about this too but you beat me to it! >_^ Kidding. It's great. I love the last paragraph.
