Friday, November 5, 2010

Your in-depth results are:

Gryffindor - 12
Ravenclaw - 11
Hufflepuff - 10
Slytherin - 7

OH COME ON ALMOST RAVENCLAW!!! I mean I know gryffindor is the best but...
Okay I have absolutely no life. I'm so boreddddd.


  1. NICCCEEEEE. it's so sad how we're all split up!!!! awwww...

  2. I'm no longer sad that I'm in gryffindor without all you guys, because I'M LIKE HERMIONE! Right? She was like, almost in ravenclaw, but she was also really brave and stood up for things. HERMIONE IS LIKE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER.

  3. im a hufflepuff. what the heck is that????? sounds pretty cool.........ish.

  4. i'm a gryffindor. yay! now livvy isn't lonely. correction livvy: you're ginny i'm hermione

  5. NOPE i'm hermione you can be ginny! who would EVER want to marry harry over ron.... he doesn't even have red hair! god. but really, you can have harry. hahaha. How many of each did you all get?

  6. Hufflepuff is the best. Fat Friarrr
