Saturday, October 23, 2010


I am in New Jersey. We started driving last night, at like 5:30 (that's why I wasn't at the dance, by the way.) When I got home on Friday I (of course) sat down to watch Project Runway right away, and I had this HORRIBLE headache that only got worse. I think it was from the completely invigorating school day I had. I absorbed so much knowledgeeeeee in like every single class.

Social Studies- You learn just being in her presence. We didn't even talk about what we were supposed to, we never got around to it, but that doesn't matter. She just... taught. Honestly, it's crazy how you learn without even knowing.

Earth Science- Okay, FINE, science is growing on me. I ADMIT it. It's interesting. Don't rub it in my face. Those maps are so cool! And on the drive down to NJ I can't even tell you how many times I referenced something I learned "Ooh, look the north star" "The sun is setting so now we're driving south" "It's the full moon either tonight or tomorrow, look at how insane it is" etc. It's invading my life. I agree, I will never be able to watch another sunset/sunrise without thinking 'OH MY GOD WHERE'S MY ASTRO JOURNAL." Seriously. So yeah, we learned a lot in that class too. Plus I just can't stop thinking about it.

Algebra- We had a test. And it was hard. Well, challenging. It took me the entire class period, no room to spare. And I was in the zone the entire time. TOTALLY CONCENTRATED I love that. It's such a good feeling like just numbers going through your brain over and over and answers popping out no distraction it's very cool. I think I want to be a math teacher. Or a teacher. That's how inspiring my teachers are this year. Seriously.

English- Maybe more productive than normal, in a totally un-productive kind of way. Silent reading period, which was cool, because I did my homework due Wednesday, which was to read up to chapter 7 I think. It's actually kind of funny, because the book we're reading in English totally matches up with what we're doing in SS. Integration, segregation, civil rights.

Tech- I spent the entire tech time helping Genell with her math homework, studying for the test. Further proof of my math teacher possibilities. I love it.

German- I totally ACED that test. So much that I can say "ace" which no one but ME would ever say. I use quotation marks in my written piece!! Oh yeah! Do you want to know what I said? Of course you do! I said: Ich kann leider nicht. Ich muss die Hause helfen. Meine Mutti sagt: "Kannst du mit sie ins Kino gehen NICHT, du muss die Hause helfen." Ich muss meine ZIMMER aufraumen, den Tisch decken UND den Mull sortieren! Morgen konnen wir ins Kino gehen? Um 3 Uhr habe ich frei, habst du? Kannst du? Willst du? TRANSLATION: Unfortunately I can't. I must do house work. My mom says: "You can't go with her to the movies, you have to do house work." I have to clean my ROOM, set the table AND sort the trash! Tomorrow can we go to the movies? I have 3 o'clock free, do you? Can you? Do you want to?

Gym- we had the pacer. Ugh. UGHHHHHH. I'm such an epic fail! Good thing I'm okay with that.

So all of that interesting knowledge/physical exercise I had to do today combined and turned into a horrible horrible headache, which transformed in the car ride to a headache/cold, and from there it did what every headache/cold does- this morning it became a fever. This is horribly disappointing, because I was supposed to get my boots today. You know, for Christmas? My cool boots I got last year? I was going to get another pair this year (it's my traditional present from my grandma) but I'm sick!! And if I'm not better tomorrow she's just gonna give me money and expect me to go to a boot store all by myself!!!!!W!E! !D!O!N!'!T! !E!V!E!N! !H!A!V!E! !A! !B!O!O!T! !S!T!O!R!E! !A!N!Y!W!H!E!R!E! !N!E!A!R !U!S! the closest one is in like Rochester? I don't know. tragic, is it not? Yeah?

1 comment:

  1. Guess what?? I saw Mrs.Volckmar at Wegmans today!
    I want to be a teacher tooooo. It's with a j isn't it? Jenell. I think. Not sure though. I thought the test was not that hard. It didn't take the whole period to finish it even. Algebra/Math rocks! =) The pacer is stupid. I hope you feel better and get some awesome boots! I didn't go to the dance either, and according to people who did you didn't miss much. That is a long comment =) hahaha. see you monday.
