Sunday, April 11, 2010

8 hours of driving for 4 hours of fun

NYC. American Girl Store. TIM BURTON EXHIBET! WHOOOO THANK YOU SECURITY GUARD FOR LETTING US IN WITHOUT TICKETS! Cannolis. Italian Food in little Italy. Walking through china town, driving past Harlem. Catching the downtown train. SUBWAYS. For the first time for Kayla, and she looovvved it. "No i don't want to sit down," and then in the phone, to her mom "I went on a SUBWAY, mom," Repeat: American Girl Doll Store. Can you say "obsessive?" They got their dolls hair done at a salon. A SALON.

If you didn't get that whole list thing, summary: Yesterday my family woke up and decided we were going to the city and bringing Kayla Markwardt (my sister's friend) along to go to the American Girl Store. My dad and I (well i, but he had to come too) decided to try to get into the Tim Burton exhibit even though we knew it was sold out, and the girl looked at our desperate, pleading faces and said "Just you two?" Nod ... Glances around "Okay, go in" So we walked into the skeleton's mouth and saw my idol (well his work)!!!!!! He worked at Disney for a year, did you know that? Do you care? Anyway, then we caught up with them at the store and watched the dolls get their hair done and learned beauty secrets for the dolls hair. We ate dinner in little Italy. (via the subway)Then we drove back home and we got there at around 1:00.

And now break is almost over and there will be no more spontaneous NYC trips. :(

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