Friday, April 2, 2010


I am soooo looking forward to this! I was feeling HORRIBLE in school today, my throat and my nose, and hopefully I will sleep it off.
Elora, Sophie, and Anna need to come over this week so we can start planning for Snow White! (I like my idea so far, but it's a little dark. Too much... death.) We need to come up with a good twist for it, so that we can send out the email. Hmmm.... I should start to send out the email soon....
And Ally needs to come over too! We need to watch Pride and Prejudice and Across the Universe.

I ♥ Break!!! <-- See Jessie I figured out to make a heart! It's Alt+3. :)


  1. ♥♥♣•◘○♦♣♠☺☻♥

  2. What are you talking about? What Snow White?

  3. Ha. It would be funny if you killed off Snow White. And some of the dwarves.

  4. In the summer we (I) wrote a play and we all put it on in our community center. This summer we wanted to do snow white but we cant think of a good enough twist on the story. in the one i have right now, 3 people die, and this is a family event with actors ranging from like 1st grade to middle school. Not a tragedy.
