Thursday, September 23, 2010


Wore my first pair of actual skinny jeans today. Exciting, I know. Not really. They feel like wearing tights, all day. Tights are annoying. Whatever.

Annyyywayyyy I'm making my sister her Christmas present (my Halloween costume wasn't enough) and it's AWESOME. Her present is always the best because I make her American Girl Doll clothes, which I LOVE. Finally got an excuse to use the sewing machine, which I could hardly do for my costume because I had to sew cards together, which doesn't work well. I used tape. Shhhhh. Duct tape. Yet another one of Duct Tapes uses. See how I capitalized there? Duct Tape is also God, just like Me and I and You. Haha, remember that post? Wow, I'm crazy. Off topic. So yeah, I'm making her this whole aweesomee American Girl Doll Collection and it's going to be AWESOME. I got this SPARKLY PURPLE FELT at the UU Sale, and that's going to be my theme. I made this skirt already, which looks like a human-sized Gaga corset/bra thing, or a pair on underpants. BUT on an American girl sized, and worn as a skirt, not a shirt, it looks AWESOME. And I'm also making this really cool shirt also. I made a pink skirt. It's interesting. I have yet to make pants... and by "have yet to make" I mean "I will most likely never make" pants. They are FREAKING SCARY. I need to make a dress though, that's vital. I'll post pictures when they are done, or when I get a camera, or when my dad gets home so I can use his iphone to take pictures. Yes, that's the only working "camera" in the house. It's sad, I understand. I really want to show you all my clothing items!!! You'll see them later. Maybe I'll get a camera for Christmas. Time to put it on my Christmas List (It's on the right side? See it?)

Okay, I've got to go do my homework. Stupid homework. THOUGH we don't have Algebra MIRACLE but still. Sozialkunde. Und Earth Science. Das ist nicht gut.

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