Friday, June 25, 2010

Ramblings on Idea's for the Play- Yolanda, Yasmin... Another???

Yolanda and Yasmin. Does there need to be a third? Me, Anna, Elora? Interesting…
So are any of them (either of them?) evil? Or all just like Yolanda in the real story? That makes the most sense, but it’s kinda much if all three of them be her servant and all three of them fall in love with the prince’s assistant.
OH, yeah, they all should fall in love with him in an obsessive stalker sorta way. Hmmm. So the 13th prince comes and Fiona kills-ish him and then ALL the Yasmins try to assist the assistant to save him.
Do they know the others are helping?
That can be the subplot, though the beginning part where she kills-ish the thirteen dudes wold have to go by really fast. After scene one , in scene two… some other back story has to happen. The witch meeting Yasmin/yolanda/unnamed and them being suspicious? Where the market? Are they wandering the castle? All of them together? Yolanda and Yasmin together and Unnamed the witch? “you look really familiar…”

But we need a little more silly! It is a children’s play…
Silly… what’s silly….
1) Um the witch could be like an animal ,so Fiona is like taking orders/advice, lessons from a like, pig or something
2) Blind date set up- interview, etc trick him to touch necklace
3) Actually, the necklace thing is a little hard to choreograph. How about more of a golden goose thing, instead of disappearing, they get stuck to it. BUT since it’s very hard to walk around with 13 men attached to your necklace, how about she makes them STUCK to the TABLES where they had the interview.

So like-

1 2 3 4 5
Numbers= prince sitting at tables

And the princess goes from table to table freezing as she goes? Unnamed could be like a suck up and help her, though does she understand that it’s magic? She would be stupid to not. But what about that first scene? Where should I add her in? with Yolanda and Yasmin?
What dose she say when they diss her idol?
Go back to first scene, fast forward.

Fiona exits
Unnamed: yeah guys, really.
Unnamed exits
Yolanda: that doesn’t even make sense, why would she bother following her?
Yasmin: or thinking that being ordered to do the laundry didn’t apply to her.
Yolanda: it doesn’t apply to us either. It’s not our job. And we aren’t slaves. so no.
Yasmin:I wasn’t planning on doing it either.
[exit both]

Does that work?


  1. I like the blind date one. So is she freezing them? Yeah, turning them into beads live would be hard... but aren't the princes supposed to like, disappear? Not have the king or someone stumble upon a strikingly accurate statue in their likeness?

  2. Yeah, exactly, thats my problem. OH! But, unnamed the suck up could be like 'i'll stuff them in a closet for you!
