Friday, June 4, 2010

I love how nobody comments anymore.

By the way, that's sarcasm. Just lettting you know.


  1. I love how on everyone's blog, there is some post about people not commenting. That's sarcasm. Just to let you know.

  2. Shut up. I hadn't complained about it for awhile now and I decided I needed to. And it made you comment! Were you the one who clicked "I hated that" for the responces? Why? What was wrong?

  3. No, I wasn't the one who clicked that. Besides, I never really actually clicked any of those responses. Seriously, though, it doesn't really help for you to be writing posts like this. You read my response to Adriana's post like this one, right? I'm not trying to be mean, or anything, so don't get mad at me!

  4. Well yeah, it wasn't really a serious post obviously. Just drawing your attention.

  5. Yes. But I your head is obviously not okay :P

  6. haha, thank you Anna. you and owen are the special ones.
