Tuesday, May 11, 2010


5-1=4. Good thing, right? But notice how that one
is negative?Negative is bad. And where does that "take away one" go anyway?


Is he serious? Will our section really have to sit four to a table for two weeks?

I mean, not that we don't deserve SOME punishment, but doesn't he know that THIS JUST MAKES IT WORSE???

So so much worse.

Now I will be sitting all alone every other freaking day for two freaking weeks.
Every other freaking day, alone.

Sometimes ihate you guys.
No offence. Well kinda offence. Hey, aren't we friendS? How about we take turns sitting alone? Rotate out? Or maybe even sit 3 and 2? Oh is that to... Complicated for you? Oh i'm sorry I don't really care. Sure I don't.

Why am I the one cut out?

I HATE THIS. It redefines themlines.
The lines suck. And the worst Thing is, I know some of them might be willing to do somethibg about it, but don't freaking want t be seen doing nce things in front of their... Friends.

Oh, yeah, sure, I'm still friends with all of you. I still like youand everything.
But I really hate four to a table.

And I REALLY hate the lines.

typed on iPod ignore spelling and mssng words and other fails.


  1. That sucks. You should switch to 6th per. lunch!

  2. YUSSS I agree w/ jessie. whats a line?

  3. A line? Literally, a dot moving through space, but what I mean by line is like, the cracks in friendship. Who is help together by super glue and who is taped on almost falling off.

    I tried to switch earlier this year. I wasn't able to... I dunno why the dude was not being compliant. So whatever.
