Monday, May 10, 2010

Oh My God I Bought It!!!!

I have made my decision for my avocado bag.

Drum roll, please...


...neither of the options I previously posted. I went to cafe press and made my own bag. It has totally awesome green lettering, and says what I originally wanted it to say, "Avocados Are Life."

And again, none of your opinions mattered all that much. I'm sorry. I need to stop doing that. But this bag has GREEN letters. and the font ROCKS. So whatever. I can think for myself, thank you very much. BUT COMMENT I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! PLEASE DON'T STOP JUST BECAUSE I CHOSE MY OWN BAG!!!!

I would post a picture here but it wont let me get a picture of it. Whatever. You will see it in... 8-10 "business" days. What does that mean? Are business days the same as regular days? I don't know.

Happy happy happy.

-Avocados are life.


  1. I think business days are weekdays, excluding holidays, or something like that.

  2. YAY!!! I like avocados are life and I'm glad you got that. I can't wait to see it in 8-10 business =)

  3. I wish... I dont know how. How do you do that?

  4. Do you have a Windows or a Mac?

    On Windows just prest Ctrl-PrntScrn Or something like that; it's above the help-home-page up-delete-end-page down keys.

    On Mac... I don't know. Which makes me sad. I'd like to take screen shots too!

  5. Okay, lemme try and I will get back to you guys. Any one actually want it to be a surprise?

  6. It doesnt work. Well maybe it does but I cant get find it in my pictures. Where would it save to, and would anything show up?
