Thursday, May 13, 2010

*sing-song voice*
I just stayyed up till ten thrty reeeaaading and I'm about to starT anoher booook.

Hahaaa I haven't stayed up reading in sooooo long it is absolutly the best.

Shut up Wyatt I know I'm a geek get overit, and you can't say anythng cuz you spent your entire study hall playng a math-logic ish game.

Hmm this is a weird post. Hey ya knw what's weird? I'M TALKING TO MySEF no but other than that? I actuall think I'm getting worse at typing on my iPod the mre I do. Isn't that ab epic fail? Wait don't answer that.

But anew I'm a nerd AND a geek. And proud of it! EMBRACE YOUR INNER GEEK!!!! God typing in caps is ANNOYINg but attemptnh to select words and make them bold it worse so I willdeal. Buy bye people and don't judge me for this post cuz I can't type on a screen that's this tiny and whatever youve heard these comlpaints before.

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