Friday, May 21, 2010

New Background (again again)

I think i'm gonna stick with this one for a little longer than all my others, I really like it. I love how the title looks! So like, clean. I dunno. Clean lines.

I would like to draw your attention to the comment thing at the bottom of this post. And all of the other posts. "O people commented on this. Wow look at that."

Hm. This is what I usually see. Now, do you know the difference between a blog and a diary? A diary is secretive and you dont want people to see it. A blog, on the other hand, you do want people to see. That's why it's on the INTERNET. (GASP)

So, my point is, this is not a diary. This is something I want people to see and wanna respond to, cough cough.

and i promise I won't moan and groan about this for a while because I realized that blogs are either all about how you should write more or all about the lack of comments. So yeah. You won't hear this for awhile. BUT that doesn't mean that you shouldn't stop commenting! Just comment without me telling.... or begging you to.

Hmm still only 0 comments.

Wow look at that.

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